Food Photo Friday: Afternoon Tea

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Toronto, Canada

They say the 30s are the new 20s, especially if you live in a city. I prefer to think of 30s being like your 20s but with money.

Well that’s what I used to say when I worked full time at an ad agency.

Not so true for me anymore. But it’s still true for all my friends.

But in your 30s things grow old, like going out for drinks for your birthday. I learned it has been replaced with old traditions becoming trendy again and I wasn’t surprised when my friend Teresa invited me out for afternoon tea at the Four Seasons for her birthday.


sandwich tower

I have never gone for afternoon tea but Teresa is a great friend, one that has been supported me even during my meltdown the last time I came home.

Plus I like small sandwiches so I was in. The Four Seasons was packed with groups of girlfriends and families all having afternoon tea, this was the place to be on a Saturday.

women drinking tea

Everyone at our table a current or former agency girl so even though I didn’t know everyone we all had quite a bit in common. We laughed about guys, agencies, former boyfriends. Three hours passed quickly and my first tea was a lot of fun.

It also came with a hefty price tag. For a pot of tea, some sandwiches and desserts the bill was over $50. This would not be a weekly occurrence for me.


But I was happy to pay and be part of my friend’s birthday. Thank gawd it’s only once a year.




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  1. Happy Borthday!! And that dessert looks tasty as all get out! I’m 40+ but only feel it in my back and feet lol Enjoy!

  2. Definitely not a guy thing ๐Ÿ™‚ but I have to say the food looks great! Too bad it’s so expensive though…

  3. And you got a blog posting out of it, and shared a glimpse of something that most travelers wouldn’t try.

  4. DTravelsRound says:

    I’ve always wanted to do this, but the price tag seems kind of hefty for it. One day ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Debbie Beardsley says:

    High tea is such a civilized event! I love it too but you are right, it is pretty expensive.

  6. Andi of My Beautiful Adventures says:

    What a fabulous experience! I heart tea. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Alison Sandilands says:

    I love Afternoon Tea. In fact I’m going for it in Lincoln, England, tomorrow. Will have to skip breakfast to make sure I can fit it all in ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I love tea! Although it’s a full commitment. The last one I went to was so many hours!

  9. What a special treat – so sophisticated!

  10. Seattle Dredge says:

    Hmm.. I have a birthday coming up.. this looks like a good idea ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. What a fantastic idea! I am only 23, but going out for drinks has already lost some of its sparkle.

    Revitalizing old traditions makes life so much richer, especially knowing that decades or centuries of people have entertained themselves doing the same thing. Funsies!

  12. The Travel Chica says:

    Funny that I started my 30s without any money. But like you, I know when to make a good splurge ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Your photos are mouth-watering! Afternoon tea is a great experience. I also love “afternoon” tea as a substitute for Sunday brunch (plus, it’s so much more affordable when you serve it at home – although the ambiance of a lovely restaurant can’t be beat). Thanks for sharing!

  14. Julia Mary Brook says:

    Afternoon and high tea is something us Brits know how to do, from Brown’s Hotel in London down to many high street cafes as well as many homes. my godaughter’s 21st birthday party was afternoon tea in the garden for 50! it was great.

  15. High Tea is my birthday tradition for my 30s. My bestie and I started doing it every year. ๐Ÿ™‚ We haven’t been to the Four Seasons yet but it’s on the list (though not this year! Holy expensive. I won’t make her pay for that.) Thanks for the preview! Birthday festivities are this month for me. Yips!

  16. More than $50 is a bit expensive, but the place looks great!

  17. Mmm! I went for tea at the Royal York in Toronto and that was a fun outing, but I agree with you, definitely not something you can do every weekend!!!

  18. tea at any Four Seasons is a special treat! Great thing to do when celebrating or just when visiting a new place. It’s been a while.

  19. If you ever get a chance when in Kitchener, you have to go to Langdon Hall for afternoon tea. Belinda and I have been doing it for years. Well we were before the kids came along.

  20. This afternoon tea session looks great Ayngelina. I haven’t had an official tea like this, but it looks tasty – I just know that I’d need to eat a couple plates of rice prior to going, so I wouldn’t gobble down all the small sandwiches too fast!

  21. Annie - FootTracker says:

    Yay! I love Afternoon Tea!!! Although afternoon tea in USA is more ummm, less traditional.

    I am not sure about the dollar exchange amount, but $50 dollars seems like a lot. Ours here in San Francisco ranges from $20 USD – $35 USD, depending on the kind of set you got.

  22. Awwww, afternoon tea. ๐Ÿ™‚ When my cousin got married, she threw all tradition in the bin and as soon as the ceremony was over, everyone sat down for afternoon tea. ๐Ÿ™‚ Lovely.

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