Meat is Marvelous but Salads are Sexy

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Day 379: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Having only been in Argentina a week I can say with certainty that steak here is amazing. I’ve been eating steak sandwiches at lunch, steak at dinner.

My life has been all about meat…with a side of chimichurri sauce.

But when I arrived in Buenos Aires my hostel mates warned me that there is too much of a good thing. You can eat too much steak and if you aren’t careful something terrible happens.


Your poo turns grey.


Yes it’s disgusting but it had to be said. When you are so full of steak without many veggies your body sends you a message and it isn’t pretty.


You cannot live on steak alone.


Sure my steak sandwiches have slices of tomato and I’ll eat squash on the side of my steak dinner but that isn’t enough. I’ve started to feel a bit sluggish and slow. It’s great to be tough and say you are all about meat but sometimes it’s too much.


I crave green vegetables. I want fibre. I need vitamins.


people eating salad

So when some people from the hostel were heading to the market to overload on veggies and make a big salad I asked if I could get in on that.


I’ve never been so excited to have a salad.


And so we put together a giant salad with every vegetable found at the market. It wasn’t the prettiest salad but it did the job.

My body wondered what was going on, it vaguely remembered what vegetables were and welcomed them. It wants more, and I agree.

I’m still loving the meat life here but from now on I need to find balance.


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  1. Adrienne @Shenventure says:

    Oh, I love meat too! But yes, eating too much without the veggies can do a nasty number on the body. it could have been worse ;). glad you’re getting your veggie servings back in =).

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I won’t give up steak while I am here but yes I definitely need to also make more salads.

  2. Camels & Chocolate says:

    I totally know how you feel! I felt the same when I was in Brazil. And back then I didn’t eat seafood either, so whenever steak wasn’t on the menu, it was all seafood, all the time. I basically ate red meat for every meal the entire time I was there!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      But at least Brazil has black beans, oh how I miss black beans.

      1. Chance Miller says:

        You should find a local in Buenos Aires who can tell you were you can find black beans.

      2. You can find dried black beans here at the grocery store or at a dietรฉtica. It’s not a dish you’re likely to find at a restaurant, but you can certainly cook them yourself to get out of the meat rut.

  3. Seems no matter what we do or where we go, travel does crazy things to our bodies!

    I was definitely craving salad after a couple of months in India – although the country is largely vegetarian I was just not game to try anything leafy!

    Thanks for the heads up on the effects of an all-meat diet ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I have been pretty lucky, without getting into too much detail in an already graphic post, I eat yogurt every day and have not had a single problem since I started traveling my steak is heavy and not meant to eat everyday – but you have to whisper that around here as it’s considered blasphemy ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Sheryll says:

    ahh! I’m going to Argentina in a few months and I was afraid of this. I was debating going vegetarian again, and this post kind of confirmed it for me lol! It’s crazy how your body lets you know it’s time to eat some veggies.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Oh no you cannot come to Argentina without trying the steak. I have met more than a few vegetarians that were on a ‘break’ while here. The meat is amazing, but if you have a chance to switch it up and eat a salad, do it!

      1. Torre (@fearfulgirl) says:

        Vegetarians on a break in Argentina! HA

  5. Alouise says:

    It can be really easy to indulge in travel. Glad to see you’re finding a good balance. That salad looks delicious.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I have definitely indulged in steak, now it’s time to get back on track!

  6. I know how that feels! I was in Malaysia recently and had to eat fried greasy food and really unhealthy sweet drinks everyday. My throat became dried and after 2 weeks all I crave was fruit and vegetables.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      So surprised to hear that in Malaysia, I have only been to KL but remember a lot of veggies, I guess it’s different outside the capital.

      1. You just need to go to local market and you’ll find tones of veggies and fruits.

        1. Ayngelina Author says:

          Markets here are interesting, not like other cities where everyone congregates in one big market but rather a lot of smaller side markets, similar to Toronto.

  7. Katherina says:

    I understand the feeling of needing some veggies… I couldn’t take it in Uruguay and Buenos Aires – all I ate for a week was meat! Things is, I didn’t find a restaurant preparing nice salads so…. the one big solution is to do them by yourself ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      You can find salads but they are tough, either in a fancy smancy new restaurant or a foreigner restaurant. But it means they are at least $10 so on a budget of $30 per day I am with you making them at home.

  8. That top shot looks yummy!

  9. Dr. Oz says that it takes two weeks for steak to completely digest through your system….good luck!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I remembered that when I ate my first steak. I must be full of the stuff.

  10. Mark Wiens says:

    Haha, I enjoyed a great laugh with this article Ayngelina! I very well know that sluggish feeling of OD’ing on that Argentinian beef, and it’s almost impossible to resist. When I visited Santiago, I ate some of my favorite, just straight veggie salads!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Its incredible what too much meat will do to you.

  11. Love this post! As a vegetarian I struggled living in BA for a few, but there are some great meat free places when the time comes to just say no to another asado ๐Ÿ˜€
    head to China Town if you haven’t been there already. Enjoy.

  12. Love this post! As a vegetarian I struggled living in BA for a few months, but there are some great markets if you’re happy to cook a lot for yourself. Head to China Town if you haven’t been there already, the options for food with a greater balance of veggies is much better there. Enjoy :D.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I am heading to Chinatown today ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Our bodies really are amazing aren’t they. I had no idea Buenos Aires had a Chinatown, good to know for future travels.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      EVERY city has a Chinatown and I am thankful for that as I need to buy some nam pla.

  14. adventureswithben says:

    How about a steak salad?

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Dude that does not exist here. I asked at a steak place for steak on a salad and they were SO confused. So I finally ordered a lomito (steak sandwich) and a salad, took the steak off the bread and plunked it on the salad.

      By the way at steakhouses when they say salad they mean lettuce, tomato and onion. If you are lucky you may get a beet.

  15. Anders Westman says:

    Great site. Well done. I’ve lived in Bs.As. for the past 4 years. I’m in the State’s for the summer. The Argy food scene is deceptive; a lot of flash but little substance. I almost always head to Chinatown now (Todos Contentos for Kung Pau beef/chicken and steamed pork dumplings which are called “ravioles vapor”) or to a Peruvian place for great ceviche and seafood/garlic soup.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Agree that the food can be puzzling. I have had some great food but a lot of mediocre food. And where’s the cheese and why is it so expensive.

      I need to get to Chinatown, I love dumplings any recommendations?

      1. It’s my savior when I get really sick of the dull food in BsAs. Check out the Peruvian place I noted. It’s my fav resto en the city. Cheese? Good luck. Dairy products are now more expensive in Argentina than Europa. FYI, my cost of living has doubled in 4 years due to the insane inflation. Thank god wine is cheap!

        1. Ayngelina Author says:

          I may just head there tomorrow…

          Any other recommendations?

          1. Many. I’ll pass some along. Nightlife/bars as well?

          2. Ayngelina Author says:

            Pass on all your wisdom, I’m all ears!

  16. Oh Ayngelina. I love it when you talk about meaty poo’s! ha ha ha. Love the pictures in this post too! Looking forward to geting down to Argentina later this year. Thanks for the steaky inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Well I may still be here when you come…

  17. Just put down the slab of beef once you start getting meat sweats. Honestly, they’re AWFUL!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Oh I have taken it one step further, in Peru I had an intense meat lunch and afterwards basically had a meat coma – went home and slept for 3 hours!

  18. Luckily Buenos Aires is probably the best place in South America for vegetarians (despite all the steak). We found some amazing restaurants that you should try out and give yourself a break from meat.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      So true, big cities have options. I did meet up with Rease from Travelated and had an amazing spinach salad with goat cheese – although it did cost me $10 bucks but sometimes you need to splurge.

  19. Cathy Sweeney says:

    I get it. I’m a carnivore, but always try to balance with a salad or something green! If I haven’t had a salad in a while, I absolutely crave lettuce and all the trimmings.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      You know the thing is in Canada I probably eat steak once a year, I’m just not that into it but here it’s different.

  20. wow. i didn’t know that about the poop. ๐Ÿ™‚ I guess i didn’t eat enough steak!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I ate it every day for a few days, people warned me but it was too late!

  21. Roy | cruisesurfingz says:

    I can’t believe you talked about your poo…haha. You need to take a green drink ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Just when you think I’ve revealed all about myself I reach a new low. Next month my menstural cycle – eww.

  22. thank you for making me famous! hope your travels are still amazing! – i’m keeping up with your blog x

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Ahh thanks Jess, how was your re-entry into the States?

      1. really easy surprisingly – they were super nice – first time ever. loving the veggies and fruit though. keep up the good work love : )

  23. Sarah Wu says:

    Steak are always great when it’s sod delicious, but veggie helps us to keep everything health too.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I think steak once a week is a good compromise…or maybe twice.

  24. I am a major meat-eater and I suppose I should eat more greens though I don’t. Whenever I do have them, my body freaks out.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Broccoli does a body good.

  25. Jen Laceda says:

    As soon as I got back from BsAs, I asked to eat a big, hefty salad!!! So I totally know what you went through!!! LOL!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I’m on a mission to find some balance here, I’m starting to have steak cravings which cannot be good.

  26. Jeanette says:

    I hear you Ayngelina, almost like detox! Salads always make me feel clean (and cleaned out) and refreshed!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Jeanette I’ll be on your site today looking for a good veggie soup.

  27. Theodora says:

    I would never have thought you could eat too much steak, but you’ve just showed me the way.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I know what’s next? Too much red wine??

  28. With me it is the other way around. I neglect the protein meat supplies, so I’ll have a steak soon.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Sigh that used to be me, things have changed so much down here.

  29. Hehehe. Awww, at least your recognised that you needed some veggies. Way too many people don’t listen to their bodies – especially when they’ve been travelling. ๐Ÿ˜›

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I ignored it for a year!

  30. The Travel Chica says:

    Guess what happens when you eat a lot of spinach to counteract the effects of the meat….

  31. Yes, they say everything in moderation, I guess there is a reason for it. GREY? Yikes! However, I think it’s perfectly understandable to treat yourself to at least a steak a day if you are in Argentina.

  32. Must mark that destination on my go-to list .. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love meat!

  33. Jillian says:

    My father in law insisted we eat steak three times a day when we were in Buenos Aires. Fortunately he was over ruled, but when we got home after South America all I wanted were veggies and salad! ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. That’s my favourite combo actually – red meats and salads. Hmmm.. which reminds me … time for LUNCH! Mwuahahaa

  35. Lorna - the roamantics says:

    LOL ayngelina! that’s the struggle i had every time i visited the in-laws ๐Ÿ™‚ it’s just so damn good it’s impossible to stop until your body stops for you sometimes. it’s tough to find amazing vegetables (although it’s definitely become easier since i first started going there) but having a vegetarian (blasphamy!) bro-in-law helped. ๐Ÿ™‚ salad should do the trick! grey poo- bahahaha

  36. OMG.

    That’s disgusting. And hilarious!

  37. Jeremy B says:

    That may have been just a bit too much information there! ๐Ÿ™‚ However, you point is well made – balance your red meat intake with veggies. It’s a good idea!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I knew it was taking it to a new level of sharing when I posted it!

  38. I hadn’t heard the grey feces thing but have heard that if you eat too much meat, you’ll start to smell like meat. I’m sure one is worse than the other. Glad you found your veggies!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Smell like meat? Now that is gross.

  39. It takes a special person to make a salad sexy! But I can definitely relate to craving for vegetables after an all meat streak. Like you I love meat especially pork- juicy fried or grilled pork!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Pork wins every time over beef, well maybe not in Argentina but everywhere else.

  40. tht pic is seriously mouth watering .. i love steak

  41. Cornelius Aesop says:

    Hmm I’ve never flung grey poo before.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Yep I have seen a lot of colours but never grey…TMI I know.

  42. wow i forgot how HUGE the vegetables in America are
    here in the UAE our veggies are like midgets compared to yours!!๏ปฟ

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