Have You Met Cory?

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Toronto, Ontario

I can’t show a photo of Cory or let you know his last name but he made my night.

This morning on my way to see J for lunch I left my iPod Touch on the seat of the streetcar. I realized once I got off and tried to get back on the streetcar when it was stopped at a light but the driver wouldn’t let me on.

On the way back from brunch another streetcar driver called in to see if someone had turned it in.


No luck.


I had resigned to the fact that it was gone. Was hoping I remembered to sign up for the Find my iPhone app that can locate it, send it a message and lock it if necessary.  But when I returned home there was a Facebook message from Cory, he found it and opened the Facebook app to find the owner’s profile. When I told him where I lived he offered to drop it off. Unbelievably, Cory’s in high school and went out of his way to help me out.

Earlier this week my Visa card dropped out of my back pocket and I also received a Facebook message from someone who found it.

There are some days, especially when traveling,  when you think people are out to scam you. But the truth is 99% of the world’s population is filled with honest, good people.

Especially in Toronto.




Image (c) spDuchamp

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  1. Christine says:

    I lost my wallet three times in college–every time it was my fault, leaving it on the gas pump or on the counter at a cafe. Every time, people either turned it in or went out of their way to find me to give it back. To paraphrase Anne Frank–people really are good at heart.

  2. The Travel Chica says:

    Very true. I believe you are also the girl who can fall in a bucket of poo and come out smelling like roses ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Thanks for the warm and fuzzy story. Great way to start the week!

  4. Nicole (colehaber.com) says:

    So refreshing when that happens. Happy you got your things back!

  5. Andi of My Beautiful Adventures says:

    WOW!!!!!!!!! Talk about restoring my faith in humanity!

  6. Micamyx|Senyorita says:

    I still believe in the goodness of every people. Hurray to Good Samaritans! <3

  7. Pay it forward!

  8. It stuff like this that reaffirms my belief that, deep down, people are good!

  9. Roy Marvelous says:

    Wow, that’s some awesome people and great luck. You’re pretty careless tho! ๐Ÿ˜›

  10. John of Travel Rinse Repeat says:

    That’s amazing – one of those ‘restore-your-faith-in-humanity’ moments. Wish I could say I had the same luck.

  11. Jen Laceda says:

    Yay for Toronto! (Not to big myself up but…) when I was working at Second Cup in a hospital location eons ago, I found a wallet with a couple thousand dollars in it. I called the owner (found her number in her wallet) and returned everything in tact. Later on, I found out she was on her way to purchase a wedding dress for her cancer-stricken daughter. I do believe in paying it forward and I know lots of Torontonians who do the same!

    1. THAT is an awesome story, too, JEN!!!

  12. Shirlene from Idelish says:

    How comforting and encouraging to know that there are still kind hearts out there! Kudos to Cory!!

  13. This is great – we’ve had similar experiences with our mobile phones. But for heaven’s sake look after your stuff!

  14. That’s only happened to me ONCE when I’ve lost something – in Japan. I was on my way “home” from a shopping spree of electronic goodies and managed to leave that one bag at the train station.

    It was turned in fully intact to the station manager.

  15. That’s a great story! Inspiration to keep applying the Golden Rule to everyday life! And thank goodness for FaceBook!

  16. dtravelsround says:

    That’s awesome!!

  17. Courtney Mroch says:

    What a GREAT story. I love reading ones like this, where a perfect stranger does something so nice it’s a reminder goodness in humanity still exists. SO happy you got your iPod back, but even more happy you had such a wonderful encounter.

  18. Sounds like me all this losing stuff business! You be careful and look after your stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Annie - FootTracker says:

    Wow, that is a great story! Cory deserves praises and hugs for returning the iphone. I would be in panic mode if I lost phone…and probably not able to sleep thinking someone is accessing my phone files >.<

  20. So nice to hear about a high school kid doing something good, as it sadly seems to be kind of rare these days.
    Last year, I left my wallet in the trolley, in the car park at the grocery store and someone must’ve turned it into the customer service desk, who turned it in to the police, who figured out who I was in this small town, and rang me at school – I assumed it was lost amongst my car or bag or something, like usual.
    The world needs more good karma ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista says:

    Yah! Boy you were lucky twice. Love the Travel Chicas response and completely agree. Great story. Gives me hope and makes me feel good.

  22. Wow, that’s incredible. Years ago (pre iPhones) I left my mobile phone on a beach. A stranger found it, looked under contacts for “mum,” called her (thereby frightening the life out of her!) to ask for a phone number of someone I’d be likely to be with. She gave my boyfriend’s number, the stranger called him and the phone was returned that way. Amazing the effort some people will go to to just be nice and to do the right thing.

  23. Meg | One Love Meg says:

    Thats so awesome. My biggest fear when I travel is who is going to rob me, or scam me out of money. I guess there are some good souls out there. Glad you got your stuff back!

  24. *sigh* It’s nice knowing there are so many good people out there. Makes the world go ’round nicely, doesn’t it?

  25. Is this Cory from Canada? I think I’ve met him ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Great story, I just read something similar that happened in Calgary about a woman who just moved from Bolivia and she left her wallet on the bus. It had her life savings in it and she was going to the bank to deposit it. Someone handed it in to the driver and they ended up finding her and returning it with all the money inside. She was amazed as something like that in Bolivia would never happen…

  26. Great story! I love the realization that people, for the most part, are inherently good =)

  27. There has been some scary things like that happen to us as well – awesome that the world looks out for you.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      Yeah but it just perpetuates my lack of responsibility with my stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. People like that restore my faith in humanity. ๐Ÿ™‚ Can’t say the same thing would happen here in D.F. – People here openly admit they’d take thing they found on the street.

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I’m sure there are tons of people who would have just taken it, I’m lucky I was on the streetcar with a good one.

  29. crazy sexy fun traveler says:

    That is so great to hear there are so many nice helpful people yet out there!

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