Day 205: Bogota, Colombia
So I wasn’t blown away by the museums in Bogota instead choosing to explore Colombian food.
In fact, I was mostly disappointed with the Museum of Modern Art as I thought a country with such a tumultuous history would produce some of the most interesting art.
After all, terrible times often promote artistic genius.
However, the first day I stepped in La Candelaria, a popular neighborhood for backpackers, I knew it was the right place for me.
Sure it’s a tourist village with sushi and sandwiches aplenty but the first day I walked around for hours photographing the graffiti.
Graffiti intrigues me in every city as it often speaks to the culture’s undercurrent.
Once you get by the tagging and random vandalism you see some of the most interesting artists.
In my home city, Toronto, there is a graffiti alley and each year it is repainted, not to restore the alley but to encourage new artwork.
Around every nook and cranny there is something to see in La Candelaria, the neighbourhood is completely saturated with spray paint and a photographer’s dream and here are just a few:
I too was struck by the graffiti in Bogoto and in Candelaria in particular. As a city, I think it has some of the best street art in the world. Your photos are excellent. Thanks for sharing!! B well, Phil
These are so good!
Wow!! These are amazing! I can’t imagine creating art like this with the possibility of somebody covering it up! That is pretty interesting about Graffiti Alley in Toronto.
atleast you werent too disappointed and got to see some art
It’s the one that stretches just South of Queen West, I think it may start at Ossington. Just hit the alley by Queen and you can’t miss it.
A couple of years ago the city had a map on their web site that stretched along a few streets to do as an afternoon walk.
Also if they haven’t torn in down yet I climbed under a fence at the Brickworks to see the graffiti there and took some amazing photos.
I didn’t know that! I should check it out. Theres quite a bit near the subway tracks at Dundas West that I used for a colourful background when taking portrait shots for some friends.
I have also been in the Brickworks many times although I think they demolished the building we used to break into.
what alley in TO??
Loooove the photos!
love it. The grafitti is one of my favorite things about La Candelaria.
these are brilliant, love the photos
As a designer, I love Graffiti too. These Graffiti i at La Candelaria are pretty impressive. Great Shots!
Bright, colourful graffiti. Very nice. And the slide function on flickr – never used (or seen) that before. Inspired to go play with that now.
Great photos, Ayngelina! The bailare sobre tu tumba is interesting….
It would be interesting to know who they are and the story behind them.
Thanks for sharing the graffiti. I love it!
Wow, this is an awesome graffiti collection! Great outdoor/free/fenceless art museum 🙂
I like the first one the most, even though kinda creepy.
Great photos. This reminds me of Rio, the street art was amazing I tried to take photos but never got too many.
Way better than any art museum! I just noticed some new grafitti by my house. It’s actually pretty disturbing, shows a sign that says “no pets allowed,” and then a painting of a dog with a human in a diaper on a leash.
Love the pics, graffiti always interest me.
The art is so unique compared to the graffiti I see around here. I find that most graffiti in Toronto is very similar to one another…
wow! these look more like commissioned murals than graffitti! great pix!
cool… thank you for sharing
I agree with Lorna. I think that’s some amazing graffiti.
I hope my pics end up half as good as yours!
Nice shots. I was surprised by Bogota, found it to be a very charming city, with plenty to see. Did you go up to Monserrate?
I agree with you — I love wandering around town and finding the gorgeous street grafitti. Berlin is a mecca for this, and there are so many other gorgeous places with amazing work worthy of being photographed and on display.
I will never get tired of street art.
Me either 🙂
I loved the street art in Bogota! I have a few of my own pics from there as well.
You should check out the Graffiti tour….!!