Have You Met Andres?

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Day 92: Ometepe, Nicaragua

I met Andres on the ferry from San Jorge to Ometepe. As he boarded the ferry, people immediately started talking about him.

You see there is a hierarchy amongst travelers and the ones who choose the most difficult path are on the highest echelon.

So in the world of backpacking, Andres is the equivalent of a rock star.

Andres introduced himself and we were in awe as he explained he was cycling through Central America; we had been sitting on a bus for the last few hours, tired from the heat alone.

He was seeing countries in a way we could never experience on the chicken bus.

In theory I think it would be amazing to cycle anywhere, but the reality is that it’s a lot of hard work, especially in the hot sun.

Nicaraguan Food

I’m a complete novice at nature and have come to realize it just may not be my thing.

When I asked about the low points he said it’s times when riding uphill and questioning why he’s doing this.

But this occurs for only a moment as he’s often met by a local or child, struggling to catch up so they can bike along with him.

It’s strange because in the real world everyone on the ferry had little in common but we were united by the need to travel.

Andres works at Yosemite and is into climbing and the outdoors.  Dana, one of the girls on the ferry is 14 years younger than me.

In the real world we would have never met, yet on the road we all quickly became friends.




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  1. Thank you for the kind words. It was great running into you and Dana. Travel is amazing in that it unites even the most unlikely of people. Safe travels.

  2. Riding up mountains is my favorite part! It had better be, since it can take many hours ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m interested that more backpackers don’t take the bicycling option. You really do get to see and enjoy so much more of the countries you visit. Though brief, I went through dozens of small towns in Belgium and the Netherlands that I never would have known existed on a train.

    Kudos to Andres for doing the ride with a trailer, though!

  3. Yes, I have met Andres! It was soo much fun hanging out with you guys — and Dana, too. Andres, did Ayngelina send you the photos? My fav is the one with you in the orange glasses! Safe travels, you guys!

  4. Matt Hope says:

    I just met a girl last week in Guatemala who is in the middle of cycling from Vancouver all the way to Argentina! Freaking incredible!!

  5. Dave and Deb says:

    We cycled from Cairo to Cape Town in 2008, and yes you are right, it is hard work. But a very different and amazing way to see the world. We were in Asia and Europe this year, one using public transit and one using a rental car. Both places we longed for the freedom of our bicycle. I think another bike trip might be in order. thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Shaun and I considered biking for a while but quickly realized how out of shape we are and how much time and training we would need to be more prepared. Good job Andres! Kudos to you!

  7. Biking across a country is a goal of mine in the next few years, but like you say I might just like the idea of it more..

    Plus the fact that I get a flat tire every second week biking in my own city could be a sign that I really shouldn’t get into it… ๐Ÿ˜›

  8. Haha – Sofia, some well made touring tires will help with that problem. I’ve often gone 6 months or longer without a flat on the touring bike. Now, of course, I’m sure I’ve jinxed myself ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I highly recommend touring a country by bike. It’s an amazing experience to feel the terrain & see/smell/touch every mile you cover.

  9. Federico says:

    What a great way of traveling. abuddy of mine did the same a bunch of years ago.

  10. Lindsay aka @_thetraveller_ says:

    He’s hot, tap that shit.

  11. DTravelsRound says:

    So cool! I met quite a few bikers going through Europe when I was traveling. And, in Morocco, I met two guys from Spain who were cycling the Atlas Mountains. This group of travelers are amazing — and doing something I know I could never do! So glad you got to meet Andres!

    1. Ayngelina Author says:

      I always think I would love to do it but then I remember the actual biking part is hard!

  12. Annie@GreenTravelReviews says:

    My main reason for travelling is meeting new people, that’s what it’s all about for me and this sounds like such a great encounter. I’m glad you shared this with the rest of us ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. clive parker says:

    I too have cycled through Mexico and Central America – yes, it was an amazing experience and a lot safer than some people seem to think! Read about it in Pedalling to Panama!

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